Friday, May 24, 2019

Everything you need to know about a dead tooth

A tooth is referred to as being 'dead' when there is no longer any blood flow to it. Sometimes this is also known as a 'non-vital tooth.' Both tooth decay and an injury can cause a dead tooth. In this article, we look at the common symptoms, as well as how a dead tooth can be treated and prevented.

What is a dead tooth?

A tooth has three layers - enamel, dentin, and pulp. The pulp contains the blood vessels and nerves.
Dead or dying nerves in the pulp can lead to a dead tooth. A dead tooth will also no longer have any blood flow to it.

A dead nerve in a tooth is sometimes referred to as a necrotic pulp or a pulpless tooth.

Once this happens, the tooth will eventually fall out by itself. However, it can be dangerous to wait for this to occur, as the tooth can become infected and affect the jaw and other teeth.


It is not always easy to identify a dead tooth just by looking at it. Only a dental professional will be able to diagnose it, which is why regular trips to the dentist are important.

There are, however, two main symptoms of a dead tooth that can help with self-diagnosis:
  •  Pain
  •   Change in color
A tooth that is dead or dying can lead to a varying level of pain, from almost non-existent to extremely painful. The dying nerve or an infection usually causes an increase in pain.

Some people wonder why they experience pain if the nerve is dead. However, the pain is not coming from inside the tooth but from extremely sensitive nerve endings around the outside of the tooth, called the periodontal membrane.

Bacteria and dead nerve remnants, or pus, builds up in the pulp cavity inside the tooth and puts pressure on the periodontal membrane, which can cause immense pain.

If there is an infection, it may turn into an abscess and produce other symptoms, including:
  • ·         Bad taste
  • ·         Bad smell
  • ·         Swelling
  • ·         pimple on the gums
Change in color
If the tooth is dead, it will often get darker in color, and a person may notice a yellow, gray, or black discoloration.

A change in color usually occurs because the red blood cells are dying. This is a very similar effect to bruising.

The discoloration will usually happen if a dead tooth goes untreated and will increase over time.


There are two main causes of a dead tooth:
  • Tooth decay and
  • Tooth trauma.

Tooth decay begins on the outermost layer of the tooth, but over time it can cause cavities that penetrate into the deeper layers.

If these cavities are left untreated, they can eventually reach the pulp and create a pathway for bacteria to enter the tooth and cause the nerve to die.

The healthy pulp will have an inflammatory response to the bacteria to try and fight off the infection, but the white blood cells can only hold it off for so long.

The pressure inside the pulp will increase, cutting off the blood supply, starving the nerve, and killing the pulp. This can cause intense pain.

If there is a physical trauma to the tooth, such as from a sports injury or a fall, then the blood vessels can burst, or the blood supply to the tooth may be cut off.
Eventually, because there is no blood flowing to the tooth, the nerve and other living tissues inside the pulp will die.

Early treatment to fix a dead tooth is vital.

Even if a person is not feeling pain at first, if they suspect they have a dead tooth they should seek medical advice as it could become extremely painful.

An X-ray will often help a dentist diagnose a dead tooth.

There are two options for treatment for a dead tooth:
  • ·         Extraction or removal
  • ·         Root canal


If the dentist is unable to repair the tooth, they may have to remove it. This is one reason why early treatment is so important.

Tooth extraction is a simple procedure that is relatively cheap and painless. Later, a dentist can replace the tooth with a fixed bridge, implant, or another prosthetic tooth.

Root canal

Dentists avoid removing teeth if at all possible, so may recommend a root canal first.

Also known as endodontics, root canal treatment aims to clear all infection from the tooth and root. The area is then cleaned and sealed to try and prevent further infection.

Root canal treatment is a lengthy process, and the person will probably have to visit the dentist more than once before the treatment is complete.

Once the infection has cleared, the dentist will fill the tooth permanently. A dead tooth can still be functional after treatment, as most of the tooth is still intact.

However, because dead teeth can be more brittle, some people may need to have a crown fitted, which will provide extra support and strength to the tooth.


The Oral Health Foundation recommend people follow a routine for dental care:

  • ·         Brushing the teeth with fluoride toothpaste before bed and at least once more during the day
  • ·         Cleaning between the teeth with floss or an inter dental brush at least once a day
  • ·         Avoiding sugary food and drinks
  • ·         Having regular dental check-ups
Fluoride toothpaste, dental floss, and inter dental brushes are available for purchase online.

Preventing tooth trauma is not always easy, although wearing a gum shield or mouth guard is recommended for people who do certain sports.

Also, a person should avoid chewing ice and opening things with their teeth. Individuals who grind their teeth at night might consider a mouth guard to use while they sleep as well.

By: Tom Seymour

Wednesday, May 22, 2019



Suffering from bad breath can have very embarrassing consequences for your day to day life. 
The problem, also known as halitosis, is more common than we think and may indicate imbalances in your oral health.
The main cause of bad breath is the bacteria that colonizes our mouth and eliminate gases with unpleasant odors. The decrease in saliva and lack of oral hygiene may contribute to the increase of the bacteria that cause the problem.
Other factors can also cause unpleasant odor such as liver, kidney and cancers. So if the problem persists, you need to look for a dentist to understand their origin.
Are you tired of suffering and want to end the problem? We have selected for you some tips and good practices that should be included in your routine.

1. Avoid spending too many hours without eating

Staying many hours without eating can be the cause of bad breath. The ideal is to feed every 3 hours with easily digestible foods that pass quickly through the stomach. Radical diets that guide the fasting or cut off carbohydrates altogether may also favor the onset of bad odor.

2. Drink plenty of water throughout the day

Keeping yourself hydrated is also key to avoiding the problem. As we have already pointed out, the lack of saliva contributes to the bad smell, so drink plenty of water to keep the mucous membranes moist and the breath pleasant.
Another beneficial habit is the regular consumption of citrus fruit juices such as lemon, orange and mandarin. Because they are rich in citric acid, these fruits stimulate the salivary glands and prevent the formation of the saburra.

3. Brush your teeth and floss regularly

It is necessary to create a regulated oral hygiene routine. Teeth should always be brushed after meals and before bedtime. After all, it is during the night that the bacteria will act for longer.
Bad breath can also come from the tartar or leftover food accumulated between the teeth. Therefore, flossing daily is necessary to clean the places where the brush does not have access.

4. Brush the tongue

Do you know that white mass on the tongue? It is known as lingual sores. Consisting of bacteria, desquamated cells, mucus and food debris, the saburra is the main source of the bad smell.
The tongue needs special care when it comes to hygiene. It can be cleaned gently with the toothbrush and toothpaste or you can opt for scrapers. Ideally, tongue cleaning should be performed upon waking up to ensure the elimination of the evening blush.
Bad breath is a problem that affects many people and can have several causes. By following our tips and performing an efficient oral hygiene, it is possible to control the bacteria and eliminate the bad smell. In addition, it is suggested that you visit a dentist regularly to perform a preventative treatment and avoid oral problems that can cause halitosis.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

When Should a Child Visit the Dentist?

When Should a Child Visit the Dentist?

Good oral health habits should start early. Caring for children's teeth as soon as they appear and getting them used to the dental clinic from a young age can lower their risk of developing tooth decay and other problems throughout their lives.
Withtooth decay on the rise, regular dental visits combined with daily home care can help children to avoid problems such as tooth loss and infections that could affect their permanent teeth later.

What age should a child go to the dentist?
Regular dental check-ups should begin by a child's first birthday or within 6 months of them getting their first tooth. Early preventive care and intervention has been shown to lower the risk of children developing oral health problems in the future.
Parents are also encouraged to bring children with them to their own appointments, as this can help to familiarise kids with the dental experience and make it less intimidating. Visiting the dentist should always be treated as a positive experience.
How often should a child see a dentist?
There are no guidelines on how often children or adults should visit the dentist. Your child's dentist will recommend the most suitable visiting schedule based on their individual needs.
Regular check-ups give dentists the chance to monitor the development of children's teeth and jaws. They may also be able to spot early warning signs of dental or orthodontic problems that may be treated before they become more serious.
You should make an appointment to see a dentist if you notice anything unusual about your child's mouth, including red, swollen or bleeding gums, persistent toothache or other complaints. Your dentist will examine their teeth and discuss the most suitable treatment options so you can decide what's best for your child.
When should you start brushing a child's teeth?
Babies usually grow their first teeth around 6 months. Until the age of 18 months, you can clean their teeth and gums by gently wiping them with a soft cloth or a specially designed toothbrush and water.
From 18 months to around 6 years of age, toddlers and young children should brush their teeth twice a day using a children's toothbrush and a pea-sized amount of low-fluoride children's toothpaste. Children may need help brushing until the age of 4 or 5 and should be instructed to spit out the toothpaste.
From the age of 6, children should brush twice daily using a regular manual or electric toothbrush and standard fluoride toothpaste, unless their dentist has other recommendations. Children should still be supervised when brushing until the age of 7 or 8 or if they need to improve their oral health.